
Experience Design Internship

What is Creative Cloud Web?

Creative Cloud web is a surface that intends to help people find the right application, learn how to use it, then help customers store, organize, and share their work. Imagine when you download your first app— what do you do next? Ultimately, my job was to explore ways in which I can help set the user up for a lifetime of creativity.


Goals of the project

Explore where the highest impact areas are to engage users with meaningful content

Drive meaningful engagement in the creation app and CC web by presenting content and apps that users care about

Help users get the most out of their membership

I designed and prototyped several mock ups to be launched to app users to test our hypothesis. Unfortunately, I am not able to share the specifics about my work until my designs are public.

If you would like to learn more details about my project, I’d be happy to answer any questions at